Thursday, July 08, 2010

Supporting My Divas: Born to Kill with Fashion

OMG!!! Are you shocked to see another installment so soon? Good, I like keeping you on your toes. That and I want to really, really, pull the blogging community together. So as I suffer through the heat wave in Maryland and the fact that I don’t have any a/c in my home (aren’t you tired of hearing that?) I'm going to do what I can to keep my blog up to date. The last installment was super successful and popular, and I’m hoping the same this week.


Mz. B from Gold n’ Glitters is a diva of natural proportions. She has natural hair and loves makeup and fashion… can we say triple threat!!! So right now she is trying to revamp her blog and could use some comments. I think that it’s sad that the only reason I know about her blog is because she is my bff on twitter. I will be adding her to my blog roll. This will accomplish 2 things… it will make her blog more accessible and it will give her an audience for whom to update her blog *smiles* so check her out… and show her some love… RIGHT NOW!!!

Liz of Polka Dots and Rainbows… wait… that should be the name of my blog… just kidding… The title is what grabbed me… because I clearly love both. I mean polka dots are hot… and then you add a rainbow of colors… what’s not to love. Also, this blog is super cute. She takes advantage of the polyvore site and creates some amazing sets that have gotten my attention. Not to mention she does something similar to my posts where she gives blogger link love… and that is super important. So follow her already… don’t make me come over there!!!

The diva behind Fatshion Insider is Kellie B. She took a sabbatical but I am glad to see her back. Her latest post tells you of some pieces she purchased at a recent JcPenney sale and she plans to do OOTD post soon… I have to admit that I love what she is doing and she probably has the connections to be really huge but she is staying below the radar… so check her out and bring her to the front of the blogging community…

The next blogger needs no introduction… I love how she takes items she buys and cuts and modifies them until they are more to her liking… that is true diva-ness right there! Like how dare these designers think they got it right for ME!! So I love her blog for her sheer spunkiness and the fact that she’s super sweet. She also blogs for Skorch’s blog… so check her blog out (as I have no idea what is going on with the Skorch blog) and she is completely worth the time it takes to click: Sweetfaced Style

Jean!! Jean!! Hide your closet… because I am on my way to raid that baby!! Jean of  A Big Dose of my Reality On the Q Train has such cute style… and she is not hindered by short skirts or belts or anything… she is just serving up a heaping serving of GLAMA!!! I love it cause the patterns and the style is just what I want to add to my closet… so I am going to swing by NY and do some shopping in her closet… if she’s not home and I have to break in… does it mean I get everything for free?!! Check her out… she's amazing… btw… LOVE HER HAIR!!!!

Remember to show these ladies some love so they will keep it up... Feel free to add a link to check out below...


Unknown said...

Hey!!!!! I feel like a celebrity now! Lol..I do truly feel honored to be included in your blog. *takes a bow*

Anika said...

OMG! THANK you so much!!! You actually made me well up with your support!! I`m a diva? LOL my husbond will never hear the end of it hhahhahhahah :)

feel very humbled and happy now. thank you.

I would so love to feature you in my blogger series "spreading the love" :) will email you sweetie!

all the best, Anika (sweetfaced style)

Anonymous said...

Hey Queen...thank you SO much for the love. I update my facebook page daily so if you look up Fatshion Insider on facebook, I'm there :) Again thank you, you made my day! My baby sis actually saw this before I did! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks so much, I'm honoured! :) Its brilliant to be supported by the rest of the community. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply! xxx

k. brown said...

Hey Queen...thank you SO much for the love. I update my facebook page daily so if you look up Fatshion Insider on facebook, I'm there :) Again thank you, you made my day! My baby sis actually saw this before I did! :)

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