Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: Blogger Fashion Inspiration & Love

Below you will find another collage that depicts 2011… only this collage includes the fashion of bloggers that I couldn’t get out of my head and I added to my inspiration file because they were that fabulous. Is this all the looks I love… not really… but if I was somewhere where I couldn’t save the file or forgot to do so… then the look was too hard to search back down… but for those that I found while linked to my laptop… they are in the collage below…

**If you would like to know what the specific blogger is… leave a comment and I’ll get you a link their blog**

Bloggers of 2011

Aren’t these divas sensational?!!! I can’t wait to see what fashion these lovely ladies blog about in 2012… Love ya’ll… Hasta el próximo año (until next year) ~besitos~


Shanticka Buchanan said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! You have been such an inspiration as well, and an awesome blogger/twiiter buddy! Can't wait to see what's to come in 2012!

And what is the blog info for the fashionista in the pic right next to me with the brown boots? Thanks! =D

Bianca said...

Can you please link the blogger in red, yellow and brown?
Happy new year!!

Bibi said...

thanks! the beautiful thing about blogsville is that we all inspire each other and take it from there. 

Izzy said...

That's me! my blog is!

Izzy said...

Wow, i'm honored to be featured here! I think your blog is fabulous and I love your spirit!  I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in 2012!

QueenDiva said...

The blogger you're asking about is Mia from she is amazing btw... love her!!!

Mia Newman said...

Sorry I'm late seeing this...thank you sooo much for including me!! xo

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